Heart Path will help you unearth and step into your full co-creative power.

Life doesn't have to be hard. In fact, it can be easy, joyful, abundant and a completely magical experience!

Join Us Down The Heart Path Today

Start Living From "Through Me", Instead Of "By Me" or "To Me"...


Heart Path will provide you with all the tools, support, feedback, and strategies to help you start living a life of "through me" rather than "by me" or "to me". Through me is when you live in alignment to your soul. When you flow with life instead of struggle against it. Unfortunately, most people on the planet right now are stuck in what's called "by me" or even worse, "to me."

"To me" is victim mode. Where someone believes that life happens "to them". They keep finding ways to victimize themselves and keep the victim story going. This obviously leads to suffering and emotions like fear, guilt, shame, apathy, etc.

"By me" is certainly an upgrade in consciousness from "to me" because personal responsibility is claimed. This is when someone realizes that no one is coming to save them or change them, so they take it upon themselves to do it! However, they are missing an important component, an understanding of how universal laws work! Because of this, they try and do it all themselves. They aren't aware that they are co-creating with the universe. This leads to stress, burnout, and a general feeling of unease. It's usually coupled with emotions like anger, pride, desire, frustration, etc. 

Think of "by me" like swimming upstream against the current in the river of the universe. The universe is trying to encourage you to let go and flow with the current so that you may co-create in beautiful ways, but instead the individual decides to swim up stream against the flow of the current. This leads to inevitable burnout as you can't keep swimming upstream for long. 

Then there is "through me", which is the state we teach and help you reach in Heart Path. This is when you let go and allow yourself to flow with the river of life. You begin to co-create in beautiful and magical ways. You understand how the laws of the universe work, understand the perfection of the process, and work coherently with it.

This doesn't mean you don't do anything, or you sit on your couch and bliss out all day. That is a common misconception. It means you co-create. You exercise your side of the process from a place of alignment without stepping on the toes of the universe and allow it to naturally complete its side of the process.

Your Heart Path keeps you on purpose. So that you are aware of what actions and choices are in alignment with your higher self. And you allow your higher self, source, the universe, etc. to work through you.

This leads to fulfillment, flow, higher levels of awareness, powerful magnetism, massive sustainable growth, coupled with emotions such as peace, joy, unconditional love, abundance, playfulness, etc.

I don't know about you, but that seems like a much preferable way to live (As someone living it, I would say it is in my experience..).

Heart Path is all about helping you live from through me. Not only giving you the awareness needed on how to get there, but also providing you with programs, live streams, and a community of like hearted people that will help you actual live it.

Read below to learn more about what's included in Heart Path.

Join Us Down The Heart Path Today

What You'll Get:

Course Access

You'll gain access to all Heart Space programs including access to programs we make in the future! Scroll down to see what we currently have available right away when you join!

Weekly Coaching Calls

You'll gain access to weekly live streams where I answer your questions, take you through weekly breathwork sessions, and through weekly manifestation sessions.

Exclusive Masterclasses

We will be hosting deep dive masterclasses exclusively in Heart Path on topics such as consciousness, law of attraction, and much more! You'll also gain access to the masterclass archive 

Exclusive Content

You'll have access to all Heart Space courses and also gain access to series and courses that have been created specifically for Heart Path! We are always adding more of these series to the program as well. New episodes weekly!

Heart-Centered Community

You'll gain access to the Heart Path private facebook group which will contain people on the same path as you! Having a peer group that is also doing the work is so powerful. This is becoming a more coherent, heart-centered community all the time.

Members Discounts

By being a member of Heart Path, you'll be eligible for discounts for coaching, in person events in the future, and much more that we have in the works!



Programs You'll Gain Access To

Here are some of the courses and programs you will gain access to once signing up for Heart Path

We release new programs every week and are constantly creating to support you in "through me".

A Day Well Lived

This course goes over how to create the perfect day from your heart specific to you and how this leads to great days, weeks, years, and ultimately a fulfilled life.

Feeling Good Frequency

Go from struggle to flow. Learn the power of moving up the consciousness scale energetically and how to do so easily and effortlessly

Visualization Series

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools you can use to transform yourself and your life! This video series goes over it's power and how to use it.

Subconscious Bootcamp

Master the subconscious mind, and you'll master life! I go over how to rewire your subconscious to serve you instead of fight against what you want

Rising Abundance

This video series covers how to allow abundance to rise into every area of your life, why most people have lack in their lives, and how you can allow it to flow in effortlessly

Quantum Warrior

Quantum Warrior is a video series all about becoming aware of quantum alignment, learning how to get into it, and live from through me instead of by me (flow vs struggle).

Divine Identity

We cover the power of your identity and how to let go of the ones that don't serve you and align with the ones that help you along your heart path confidently as who you truly are.

Miracle of Meditation

Go deep with one of the most powerful transformation tools out there. Meditation! In this course, I demystify this practice, give you good practices, and the 3 most powerful meditations I know. 

It's Time For True Change

If you are ready to move along your Heart Path, to shift from a life of forcing outcomes to a life of powerful, purposeful, and intentional co-creation, We're here to support you whenever you're ready to take the leap.

Just $14.99 a month

Join Us Down The Heart Path Today